Personal Injury Lawyer in Bucks County

When you are injured, you need to take steps to protect your good health and well being and to protect your financial best interests.  A personal injury lawyer will act promptly and effectively on your behalf.  for people who live, work or are injured in Bucks County, our personal injury law firm will work to earn you the best possible result.

The injury you suffer may have been the result of someone else’s negligence.  The most common injury in Bucks County comes from car accidents.  You could be a driver, passenger or pedestrian.  The accident may have been a rear end or intersectional collision.  People who are injured as a passenger, pedestrian or by a commercial vehicle need not necessarily be concerned if their own automobile policy is limited tort.  Personal injury resulting from a slip and fall, dangerous property condition or from an aggressive animal will want to be represented.

The important thing for you is to see a Bucks County personal injury lawyer as soon after the accident as you can.  There is evidence to be preserved which may otherwise be lost or destroyed.  The statements of witnesses need to be taken and preserved.  If important evidence is lost, this will hinder your ability to recover damages from a responsible party.

Keep in mind that by developing the facts of your case, by performing a thorough analysis and reviewing all insurance policies, the opportunity to maximize a full recovery for your injuries is vastly increased.

It always causes me concern when a person calls our office and is seeking case valuation.  These DIY’s seek validation of the insurance defense adjuster’s offer to settle the case and write a check shortly after an accident.  The story line is something like “Why share one-third of your recovery with a personal injury lawyer; take our money now.”  I have had experience with people such as these; they have sold their case far short of actual value.  They did not realize the responsibilities the law imposes on defendants.  They failed to understand how a Bucks County personal injury lawyer will look fully at each aspect of the case in order to develop a top class recovery for his client.

If you have been injured, we invite you to make an appointment.  There is no charge for this consultation; we will review your facts with you and discuss insurance coverage.  If appropriate, we will enter into a contingency fee agreement  which will cost you no out of pocket money; we will be paid only if there is a recovery for you.

Please realize it is in your best interest to call a Bucks County personal injury lawyer as soon after you suffer an injury.  Do not wait.  Call us now.