What does a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Lawyer do?

A chapter 13 bankruptcy lawyer will stop all creditor action. We as chapter 13 bankruptcy lawyers will use the law to set you on a path of a fresh start. You will keep your assets; your chapter 13 lawyer will stop all creditor action, get you reorganized and put you on a debt repayment plan for your mortgage, taxes and car payment. Your chapter 13 bankruptcy lawyer will likely have you pay very little to nothing to your credit cards and personal loans. You will keep your retirment funds, 401(k), pension and IRA. Your credit will be somewhat affected but not to the large degree you think.

In a chapter 13 it is possible that your bankruptcy lawyer will be able to get your mortgage modified; you certainly will be able to stop any foreclosure action or sheriff sale. The chapter 13 bankruptcy law will allow you to force a repayment plan on your mortgage company; the mortgage company will have no choice but to follow the direction of your bankrupcy plan as devised and implemented by your chapter 13 lawyer.

My office offers courteous and confidential counseling concerning your debt issues. If you own a home and are behind on your mortgage whether by just one month or more than 24 months, we can help you. We can look at and apply for mortgage forbearance. Given your overall situation it might be advisable to think about a chapter 13 bankruptcy right off the bat. Every person’s facts and issues are different and varied. Your situation is unique to you; you need a caring and concerned chapter 13 bankruptcy lawyer who will listen to you, is patient and knowledgeable, ask questions and discuss debt alternatives with you. Once you are comfortable knowing your options and what the outcome will be, then you will be in a position to file a chapter 13 and begin the repayment plan or we will take a different course of action other than a chapter 13 to get you through your difficult time.

Don’t be afraid to explore your options. I am a courteous and confidential bankruptcy attorney. Choosing the right chapter 13 bankruptcy lawyer is immensely important for your financial and mental well being. Call or email today for a consultation. schroeder@jrlaw.org 215-822-2728