Seniors on fixed incomes often find themselves facing debt troubles.  They may have been accustomed to a certain standard of living with great career incomes that they realized too late they would be unable to maintain, or they may have faced personal expenses that they were unprepared for. Whatever the reason, once seniors’ debts exceed […]

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I represent many clients both in the matters of debt settlement and in bankruptcy.  Either approach to getting back on your financial feet has its positives and negative aspects.  You should consult with an experienced bankruptcy and debt settlement lawyer rather than go it alone in this area.

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Life is unpredictable, and often, things happen that can cause people to fall behind on debt payments, such as when they lose a job, become ill, or lose track of how much is being charged to their credit cards. When debt-to-income ratio reaches critical levels, people can quickly become overwhelmed, and as such, often turn […]

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With the change in bankruptcy laws and an increasing number of people facing financial hardships, more and more people are turning to debt settlement in the hopes of reducing their debt load, and repairing their credit. However, this may not be the best option for many people.

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Radio and TV ads are big drivers of the debt settlement industry.  The ads I see and hear lead one to believe that you will be protected from the IRS and credit card collectors with a phone call to a debt settlement agency; that debt settlement is nothing more than presenting a three year plan […]

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